
The NSIC credit rating scheme for performance and credit rating seeks to establish independent trusted third party opinion on capabilities and credit-worthiness of MSEs and makes credit available at attractive interest rates. It endeavours to enable MSMEs fain recognition in global trade, ensure prompt sanctions of credit from banks and financial institutions, subsidized rating fee structure for MSEs, facilitate vendors/buyers in capability and capacity assessment of MSEs, enable the MSEs to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of their existing operations and take corrective measures.


  • Provides an independent and unbiased opinion on the financial and operational performance of a business.
  • Easy access to bank funding as it creates credibility amongst bankers.
  • Confidence building with business partners including investors, suppliers, customers, employees and other stakeholders.
  • A self-improvement tool that can be used as a benchmark and guide to improving business performance.
  • Visibility on the internet and amongst bankers as the rating would be published by the rating agency.
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